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Throughout the ages Merlin has been depicted as a druid, bard, necromancer, magician and prophet. Though we may never know if any of his fictitious interpretations are truthful, we speculate he was nothing more than a Celtic bard who lived in the 500’s near Solway Frith. It is said that this strange poet, going under the alias of Myrddin, was a madman and a prophet. Myrddin’s claim to fame was creating so much tension between the British chieftains of his time that they fought each other in the Battle of Arderydd. After the battle Myrddin supposedly goes insane and wanders into the forest of Celidon. He is later found dead on a riverbank nearby.The mythical Merlin has a far deeper story. Demons decided that too many people were escaping their grasp, so they decided to engender an evil being to remedy their situation. They gave this being many abilities, such as prophetic visions, and the ability to call upon the arcane powersof magic. What these demons oversaw was the intervention of a priest named Blaise. Blasie discovered the demon’s plot when one of the nuns was with child, and there was no father. Blaise told his superiors who in turn sentenced the nun to death on charges of heresy. Blaise would have none of this, since the nun had done nothing wrong. He locked her in a tower as a precaution in case anything did happen, but when the boy was born he was immediately baptized annulling the evil placed upon him by the demons. Blaise named this child Merlin.When Blaise’s superiors learned of Merlin’s birth, they again sentenced her to death on more charges of heresy. Because of Merlin’s gifts he was able to talk to and console his mother, he told her that no harm would come to her as long as she allowed him to speak at the trial. Although only five days old, Merlin spoke so forcefully at his mother’s trial that she was acquitted of all charges set against her by the church. Befor...

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