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Butterfly Transformations

Butterfly Transformations (A future myth told in past tense) Before the existence of Earth, there were four winged elemental gods, These gods and goddesses were: the sky goddess,Gemalia; the water goddess, Saraces; the earth god, Chago; the firegoddess, Argon; and the Superior Goddess, DawnDo. These five keptconstant watch over the universe, adamantly flying over and throughout thewide abyss. During one of their days off, they were playing kick the canamong the stars. They all came flying down towards the can and collided,creating planet earth. Because of the great collision, their wings fell off andmystically transformed into millions of wondrous, colorful butterflies.This great planet, DawnDo reasoned to herself, was created from thesacrifice of four great gods. I shall show them the utmost respect andcreate a race of new beings from these incapable butterflies to care for andtend to the rich lands that this marvelous planet holds. With that, DawnDocreated the first human from a few baseball cards, a sack of marbles and adead parakeet named Petey. She formed the next human out of three bricks,a large orange and a few blades of grass from the field in which her flyinghorse was grazing. DawnDo breathed life into the bodies, thus creating thebeginning of mankind. These humans reproduced and soon the humanpopulation was that of the butterflies. That is, there was exactly onebutterfly for every human. The humans took wonderful care of the earth. So much so, in fact,that DawnDo decided to create more new creatures from the land itself.There became thousands of new birds, there were lions, sheep, cows,elephants, pigs, llamas, snakes and all kinds of amazing animals. Thehumans were so grateful to have been given such splendor to live amongst,that they decided to work extra hard to put the fertile lands to good use, andto obey the few rules that DawnDo gave them. The golden wheat shone inthe bright sunlight, the fruit trees were dew-laden a...

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