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4 Myth Theories

There are four basic theories of myth. Those theories are: the rational myth theory,functional myth theory, structural myth theory, and the phsycological myth theory. Therational myth theory states that myths were created to explain natural events and forces. Functional myths are what you call the kinds of myths that were created as a type ofsocial control. The third myth theory is the structural myth theory. This theory says thatmyths were patterned after human mind and human nature. The phsycological myththeory is the fourth myth theory which states that myths are based on human emotion. The rational myth theory states that myths were made to better understand naturalevents and forces that occurred in the everyday lives of people. This theory also explainsthat the gods and goddesses controlled all of these happenings of nature. Examples ofthis type of myth are creation myths from different cultures. Creation myths explain howman was created and explain what the gods and goddesses used and what actions theytook to create humans. These myths also tell what substances were used (if any) in orderfor man to exist. The existence of man is a natural event but creation myths give otherexplanations.The functional myth theory talks about how myths were used to teach moralityand social behavior. It states that myths told about what types of things should andshouldnt be done, and the consequences for those wrong doings. The functional myththeory also states that myths were created for social control and served the function ofinsuring stability in a society. A story about a tribe who rebelled against the greatserpent, Degei, is a good example of a functional myth. This story is about a tribe wholearned many skills from their great serpent god, Degei, and then became Degeisworkers and servants. Two chiefs of this tribe were sick of working for him and tried todefeat him; they were too weak for Degei. Instead of winning their fr...

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