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Andy Bey Jazz At the Kennedy Center Andy Bey's impressive piano technique complements a four-octave vocal range that is warm, enormously rich and enveloping.virtuosic and imaginative. He uses the piano to perform a masterful set of pieces that are soft to hear. While gaining a grand experience by attending this event at the kennedy center, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and would not mine doing it again. Andy Bey was very impressive I especially liked the way he jumped from high note to low note while keeping a median in between to mantian the beat of the piece. He is truly masterful with the piano. He has a special touch which captures your emotions and makes you feel the entire concert. There was not one point when I wanted to look at my watch and leave. He had great support from the other instruments fulfilling the need that was left out by the piano. This was truly an enjoyable experience and I would recommend this to any one of my friends. I am not one to usually like music like this which I told you in my last enrichment, but if all of them continue to go like this I am truly positive that I will continue to go to events like this even though the class will be over. The overall quality of the jazz music being played was okay to me but the way he livened the song up was unbelievable. It is amazing what one can do with just the touch of an instruments. You could feel the laughter as well as the pain in the music. This is hard to do with expressing words. And he did this by just using the simple notes on a bar scale. The range of the second piece was remarkable. It went from an upbeat melody to a kind of like classical thriller. Andy Bey instituted a tone for the piece that was very versatile. ...

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