Kim, Steve M W 7:30-9:00 5-5-00 Concert Attendance The Concert involved a variety of instruments performed by the “Cabana Boys.” Each of the band members included: alto and tenor saxophones, a trombone, a trumpet, keyboards, bass guitar, drums, and percussion. In the beginning, four songs were performed by “Bravo!” All of which were from the Disney motion picture soundtracks which included: “Circle of Life,” “A Whole New World,” “Colors of the Wind,” “Bells of Notre Dame,” “Out There,” and the finishing of “Circle of Life.” Two of the songs involved two soloists, one of the songs included three soloists, the other included one soloist, and the song “Out There” involved four soloists. In addition, the final portion of the performance involved the rockabilly medley of Elvis, the Acapella style of “The Penguins”, the surf sounds of the Beach Boys, Motown, the British rock of the Beatles, and the 80’s sound of Janet Jackson. The final performance ended with the sweet Latin sound of Ricky Martin’s “Cup of Life.” In many of the last portion of the songs performed were learned from the history of Rock and Roll era. However, some of the songs were recent hits such as: “I’ll Be There,” and “I’m Your Angel.” Four of the soloists even composed an original ditty of their own which I thought was relevant to the light pop sounds of some of today’s artists such as the Backstreet Boys...