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the outsiders

Susan Eloise Hinton was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She never really enjoyed writingbooks for adults or that had to do with them, but she didn’t mind reading them. S.E. Hintonbegan writing teenaged books because she disliked the ones that were being written at the timeshe was a teenager. “Her books have been an inspiration to children everywhere” (S.E. HintonBiography page 1).“No matter what genre she is writing , S. E. Hinton will remain an influential person inthe writing industry” (S.E. Hinton Biography page 1). The Outsiders was the first book Hintonwrote. She wrote it at the age of seventeen. It gave her a lot of publicity and fame, but on theother hand, it also put a lot of pressure on her.The second book, That was Then, This is Now,was supposed to be better than The Outsiders. She thought it out better and spent more timewriting it. Another of her books was Rumble Fish. It was the shortest novel she had published,but as all her other novels it was popular as well.” Susan has written many excellent books andhas received awards for her work. One award she received was, YASD/SLJ Author AchievmentAward. Susan Eloise Hinton has led a very fulfilled life and can truly be called one of the bestauthors in the world” (s.e.hinton page 1). The setting of The Outsiders is what you might call the wrong side of the tracks. TheGreasers grew up on the outside of society. They weren't looking for a fight. They were lookingto become something better in life. It was 1950 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. If you were from thewestside of town then you were a “greaser” , but on the other hand, if you were from the eastsideof town then you were a “soc” or a social. ....

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