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the morning after pill

“The Morning After Pill” The worlds rising population is portrayed as an urgent concern. Many speculators keep searching for a solution that will curb these rising numbers, and a feasible solution to this is to control when and when not women bear children. Over 3 million unwanted pregnancies occur just within the United States, and if a medication were devised to stop that, this population problem could decease. Well, in fact a medication called the morning after pill has been created to do just this. Composed of high dosages of hormones, the morning after pill is designed to stop fertilization and/or stop an already fertilized egg. The dual nature of this pill is what is causing the most controversy. Pro-life activists say that technically they would not oppose the pill if it only stopped fertilization, but since it can kill fertilized eggs, it becomes an issue. This issue over pro-life and pro-choice in regards to the morning after pill is relevant over the entire world. In places such as Uganda and Chile, the sale, production or consumption of the morning after pill is strictly forbidden and illegal. The governments’ reasoning is that it causes abortion, and that is morally wrong. Another concern presented by pro-lifers, and countries like Uganda and Chile is that this pill will leave side effects in a woman’s body, which could potentially terminate future pregnancies half way through. Pharmacists and chemists both agree that it is different from Mifepristone (RU-486), which has been known to terminate pregnancies. Disregarding any of the previously stated arguments against the drug, many counties in California are following the state of Washington’s lead and making it so that the pill is easier to obtain. In 1998, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco Counties were granted approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to sell the pill without a prescription. The FDAs' reasoning...

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