There is nothing more dangerousthan feeling that you are protected while runningtwo year old virus checking software that knowsnothing about viruses created in the last twoyears.The NTMail™ Virus Scanner also provides anumber of options for handling incoming filesthat are found to contain a virus. They includerejecting the message altogether or transferringit to another account for later checking by hand.Alert messages can also be sent to thepostmaster, the sender and the receiver of themessage warning them of the presence of avirus. Alternatively, no action can be taken onthe message receipt, but warnings sent to therecipient instead so that they are aware of thepresence of a virus.4.2.2 Filtering EMailAn email filter will allow the administrator toprevent Hoax Email messages from enteringthe company’ s email system. This will help tostop all employees having to deal with the samemessage. NTMail™’ s JUCE™[6] option allowscomplex filter rules to be defined so allowsemail messages to be filters so that such emailmessages may be rejected.5. ConclusionTo prevent viruses causing lost time andadditional expense to your business it isessential that a thorough anti-virus strategy isdeveloped and maintained. This should includea range of Staff Procedures which should be putin place and strictly adhered to. The NTMail™Virus Scanner will help prevent virusesentering a network though email. NTMail’ sJUCE™ option will help prevent Hoax emailmessages from being sent to users and wastingtheir (and the company’ s) time.5.1 References[1] NCSA (ISCA) 1997 Computer VirusPrevalence Survey[2] Virus Bulletin WWW site:[3] WWW Site containing fixes for WordMacro Viruses: the template virus inparticular[4] A large myth grew up about the abilitiesof this virus. See[5] ...
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