Why is Philosophy a required course for most majors? There are several reasons why philosophy is a required course for most majors. One being that in order to be an all around student, one must take several courses that are not in our specialty. We must take courses that when we complete our higher education we will not be ignorant in many subjects. For example, if I would have gotten my degree from college and my major would have been biology, and someone would have asked me “ do you know who Hobbs was” and I would have said, “no dummy, I didn’t major in philosophy.” Then I would have felt pretty dumb because I would have had a college degree and I would have no idea who Hobbs was. This is why college was founded, it is not required to go to college, it is a choice that a person makes in order to be an all around educated person and not be nave in many subjects. Also, philosophy is one of the most important subjects to learn about because it makes one think about life and ask those big questions. Like astronomy, philosophy makes an individual think about life and where we came from, just like many other G.E subjects, which will make us an all around educated individual. Not only that but if it wasn’t for philosophy I would have never know that Thomas Jefferson used Locke’s political theory to form the U.S government!...