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huck finn4

Mark Twain wrote Hucklebery Finn to prove a point. Huck was an ignorantcharacter in which was brought up in a certain way where he didnt know right fromwrong. As an ignorant child, Huck was used to prove that America was indeed naive andhe had to overcome certain beliefs that he had been taught since birth. Huck ultimatelysaves a black man from certain death, and Twain uses these types of situations to explainin a satirical way, what growing up in the south was all about. One of the most important characters in the book was Jim, a black slave owned byHucks foster folks. Throughout the story Huck creates a friendship with this man, andthis friendship can be seen as very controversial. Jim ultimately serves as a father figurefor Huck and teaches him to see things in a new light. He makes Huck realize that slaveryis wrong and you shouldnt believe what society always tell you. Twain uses Jim as sortof a superego for the overall story. Although Jim might start out to seem as a strange andgoofy black man, Jim always does what is right. He is like the angel/superego(a characterthat always does whats right and often tells the main character what is right) of the storyand he has to be led toward freedom. Through Huck, Jim finds that freedom andexpresses how a man can change the views of society. While Twain was growing up hehad experienced slavery and created Jim to explain his views on the subject. Twainseemed to be confused on whether or not he was against slavery and by the end of thebook, the reader starts to get a clearer image of Twains thoughts. The storys antagonist, or id(devil, character that does evil things), seem to bevaried. There are plenty of characters that are trying to stop Huck and Jim fromsucceeding in their goal. An easy to see id is Pap, Hucks father. Pap kidnaps Huck andoften beats him. Huck runs away and later finds out that Pap has been murdered. Pap canbe seen as pure evil, and the symbolic ignoran...

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