Jessica Wheater Psychology 1200 17 November, 99 Depression Depression strikes millions of Canadians, estimating a range from zero to twenty-five percent of the population and is becoming the most common illness in teens, varying from fourteen to twenty-four years of age. The risk of a depressed teenager committing suicide is fifty times higher then of a person who is not depressed. Depression is more than the blues; it is a medical illness, which is as common as it is misunderstood. Society may be afraid or ashamed to seek help or even to discuss about how they feel. Fortunately, depression is a highly treatable illness, that is not a sign of personal failure. When people dismiss seeking professional help for this illness, they suffer greatly in the long run and may be at risk of committing suicide. Depression is a whole body illness that affects far more than the mind. Furthermore, doctors are researching the certain biological and chemical changes that trigger depression. “Researchers speculate that if present trends continue, then this disorder will have a greater impact on economic success than any other illness”(Miller). Adolescent depression is not well organized in today’s Canadian society; significantly in respect to symptoms and advanced treatments, such as, therapy and medications; if not corrected; this illness may become the leading cause of deaths in Canada. Numerous individuals try to ignore the symptoms or causes of depression or even further, mistaken them as signs of character weakness. In addition to a low mood, they may feel sad or hopeless and cannot remember the last time they enjoyed themselves; they may be edgy towards others at the slightest comments, at any given time. A depressed individual will feel enormous pressure, guilt, or helplessness, but this varies in every case. Some people’s symptoms are so intense, that their personal and professional lives may be disrupted. “These i...