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The economic depression in the United States in the 1930 was a unique and consequences. During the depression one American worker out every four was out of a job. The Fall ofindustrial company continues through out the 1930. There were serious economic weakspot, a chief one being a depressed were such in the agricultural sector. Also depressionwere such industries as coal mining, railroad, and textile thought the 1920. U.S bank hadfailed an average of 600 per years had thousand of other business firm. By 1928 theconstruction boom was one. The rise in price on the stock market from 1924 to 1929 barelittle relation to actual economic conditions. In fact the boom in the stock market and inreal estate, along with the expansion in credit and high profit for a few industries,concealed basic problem. The U.S stock market crash that occurred in October 1929, withhuge losses, was the cause of the Great Depression, although the crash sparked andcertainly market the beginning of the most traumatic economic period of modern time. By1930. the slump was apparent but few people expected it to continue previous financialpanics and depressions had reversed in a year or two. The usual forces of economicexpansion had vanished. As business fail increased and unemployment soared and aspeople with dwindling income had to pay their creditors it was apparent that the U.S wasin the economic breakdown. The deepening depression continue with the distress of million of people who lostjobs, home, and savings from 1929 to 1932 approximately 11,000 U.S banks failed andabout $ 2 billion in deposits was soon gone. Agricultural distress was intense farm pricefell by 53 percent from 1929-1932. There were even more problem during that summerdroughts was a major problem. Farmer from the central state have to move out seeking fora job due to the dust storm that was occurring in their state such as Texas, Oklahoma, andMissouri. The devastating disaster of the dust bowl, t...

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