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Tragedy is a struggle that takes time to overcome. In many cases, itrelates to death. It often presents some sort of ordered action, which isa series of unlucky/bad events.There is a great deal of tragedy displayed in Sophocles bookAntigone. Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus (the ruler of the land),lost her mother, father, and two brothers. Her two brothers, Etoclus and Polynesus killed eachother in afight over kingship of Thebes. Etoclus defended the city and had aburial.Polynesus wanted an army of argives against the city, which led todenied burial.Antigone was not pleased with the decision that her brother,Polynesus, could not be burried. Antigone and her sister, Ismene, madea plan to bury their brother themselves. Knowing that this was anaction against the town of Thebes, they did it anyways.Creon's guard,Sentinel, saw them after the body was burried, butwas unsure of who did it. Creon would kill the guard if he could notfind out who it was that burried the body. When Antigone wasconfronted by Creon, she honestly admitted to burrying her brother. Antigone was sentenced to death.A blind prophet by the name of Tieresis visits Creon. He tells himhow things should be. This made Creon realize that he should not havesentenced Antigone to death. He decided against the execution, but hadnot told anybody his change of mind yet. Antigone was supposed to marry Creon's son Halmon. Halmontries his best to save Antigone from death, unaware of his father'schange of mind. Halmon knew that Antigone would be tortured, so hedecided to hang her in a cave so she would not have to suffer. It was notuntil after he killed her that he was aware that she was not going to beexecuted. Halmon felt so bad about killing Antigone that he killedhimself. Halmon's mother, Creon's wife, sees her son dead and killsherself because of grief.Creon had a struggle with himself on knowing what was the rightor wrong thing to do. The result of this ended up...

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