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Violence on TV

Television violence causes children to be violent, and the effects can be life-long. Actually, very few people notice that they should pay attention to what they're watching, and to how is it affecting their children. Television violence can disrupt a child's learning and thinking ability which can cause life long problems. Since media violence is much more vicious than that which children normally experience, real life aggression appears "bogus" by comparison. The violence on television is able to be more exciting than the violence that is normally viewed on the streets. In other words, people wouldn't have been the same if they haven't been influenced by violence in television.Television violence causes children to be violent, and the effects can be life-long. This information can't be ignored because the effects have been seen in a number of cases. In Alabama, a nine-year-old boy received a bad report card from his teacher. He suggested sending the teacher poisoned candy as revenge, as he had seen on TV the night before. In California, a seven-year old boy sprinkled ground up glass into the lamb that his family was going to eat for dinner. When asked why he did it, he replied that he wanted to see if the results would be the same in real life as they were on TV. About a year ago, my nephew who is ten-year-old, was trying to steal money from his mom's purse. I personally caught him. He was actually wearing his dad's big old gloves. When I asked him about the gloves, he replied that he had learned to do so to not leave fingerprints, and that he learned that from TV. These are certainly good examples on how television can affect a child.Not only does television violence affect a child's youth; it can also affect his or her adulthood. Some psychologists and psychiatrists feel that continued exposure to such violence might unnaturally speed up the impact of the adult world on the child. This can force a child into a kind of premature ma...

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