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In the play, Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, there are several points in the play where things could have turned out differently if certain coincidental events had not One example of this is that if the misfortune that held a critical letter fromreaching Romeo never existed. Another example is if Romeo didn’t hold Mercutio backfrom fighting Tybalt. Finally, a third example, is if the servant with the responsibility ofdistributing invitations to a party was able to read. If the misfortune that held a critical letter from reaching Romeo never existed, thenthe outcome of the story would have been changed. Juliet Capulet had been engaged tobe married to the County Paris. The only problem was that Juliet was already married toRomeo Montague, son of the arch rival to the Capulet’s. Therefore, Juliet pleaded to FriarLaurence in an attempt to prevent the marriage of her and Paris. As a solution to thisproblem, the Friar came up with a plan to give Juliet a sleeping potion witch would takeon the effect of death. When Juliet awakes from this sleep she would run safely away withher beloved Romeo. In the meantime, the Friar planned to send a letter to Romeo explaining what wasto happen. Romeo had been banished from Verona and fled to Mantua. However, thisletter never reached Romeo due to an infectious disease that prevented anyone fromleaving their houses. As the Friar explained of the importance of the letter, “Unhappy fortune! By my brotherhood,The letter was not nice, but full of charge,Of fear import ; and neglecting itMay do much danger.”(V.ii.17-20)When he heard of the death of Juliet, he took his own life. Once Juliet realizes the deathof Romeo, she too takes her own life. As you can see, if the misfortune that held a criticalletter from reaching Romeo never existed, he would have known that the death of Julietwas fake and that he would be re-united with her again.If Romeo didn’t hold...

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