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Queen Elizabeth

Elizabeth I brought much prosperity and mystery to the throne of England. She had situations that she had to conquer and still keep in mind what was best for the people of England. Elizabeth became the Queen of England after her step-sister Mary passed away in 1558. Her sister also known as “Bloody Mary” left England in a terrible state. She was in the process of bringing England back to Catholism, meanwhile she burned nearly three hundred protestants for not becoming Catholic. Elizabeths reign was known as the Elizabethean Age. The reason for this was because she was such a determined women and many positive things happened because of her. Such as, the cultural world which strenghtened greatly. Art was in the liking of many people, and theatre became very popular. The well known William Shakespeare came along in this time period performing plays in the “Globe Theatre.” Elizabeth was known as “One of Englands strongest Monarchs,” which is a statement that carries on through history. Elizabeth cradled the country of England in her arms as they successfully overcame a very rough time. One of the three major problems that Elizabeth had to face was the Spainish Armada. It began when Phillip II’s wife Mary, also mary Queen of Scots was beheaded by Elizabeth’s signature on her death warrant. This incident pushed Phillip II over the edge and he felt that there was no reason not to invade on England. Phillip II sent a hundred and thirty ships towards the English Channel. To intercept the Spainards, England sent their ships. Englands ships were more advanced in many ways. One being that they were smaller , which meant that they were more manuverable. Secondly, their guns fired faster and further. With all of these advancements over Spain, England won with pride. What had happened was England had sunk quit a few of Spains ships. However; the ships that had not got to damaged tried to escape to the...

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