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Psychology through the eyes of faith

After reading a few of the chapters in “Psychology Through the Eyes of Faith”, I feel as if I have learned more in one sitting than many in years of my life. The chapters were not life altering, but simply stated things that I have overlooked. The topics that affected me most were on living with the mysteries of faith, benefits of true rest, and the emotion of happiness. Yes, they are really in no way related, but each of these topics impacted me in a different way, and made me think about what was being presented. The whole chapter entitled, “On Living Peaceably With the Mysteries of Faith” was really interesting. The one line that hit me the hardest was, “Some issues…are indeed troubling, but less so once we realize that if God’s thoughts and ways were like our own, God wouldn’t be God, or else we would be gods, too” (Myers 33). Although this idea seems simple, and one that should be obvious to everyone, it was a different way of thinking for me. So often, something goes wrong in my life, and I wonder how on Earth God could be using the situation for good. Or, beyond that, how he could have any idea what he was doing. Reflecting on the above quote helped me to realize that we are completely different than God in everyway. God, being sovereign and all knowing, thinks in a way we can’t comprehend. After thinking through this, it has become easier for me to have faith and depend on Christ knowing that even if I tried to worry about my life, there is no way for me to understand what God has planned for my life. It’s easier to just sit back and follow God’s lead instead of trying to figure him out.The second section that made me think was the chapter entitled, “The Day of Rest”. This chapter talked a lot about how dependent we, as humans, are on other people. I see that aspect in myself a lot in that I am a social person. I feel most comfort...

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