Praying Mantis: Founder : Wong Long 17th century Praying Mantis Kung-fu system founded in the 17th century By Wong Long in the southern part of China. Praying MantisRelies heavily in fierce grasping movements, clawing attacks,And punches. There is, however, a great variety within theStyle, using as it does the firmness of stances found in hung-garAnd a number of movements from the monkey systems. According to legend, Wong Long captured a praying mantisAnd took it home, where he studied its movements. He blendedThese movements with the monkey style to form his new system.The seven stars style, the northern style of praying mantis, is the Original system. The pattern takes its name from the constellationUrsa Major, a conspicious zig-zag star arrangement in the north.The six harmonies style of praying mantis is softer than theOriginal seven stars style. It is smoother, more circular, and notAs clear in usage. The six harmonies style does not use the “hook” hand as much as the seven stars system; rather itemploys the palm. Neither does it use as much of the monkeystep as the original system, by a step called the “floatingriver” moving in and out rather than side to side. ...