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Mind Over Matter and Levitation Levitation is the ability to suspend the laws of gravity that bind us to the earth. It has a lot to do with mind over matter. A person being able to clear his or her minds and think nice, good things enable them to do things that they have never done before. Sounds unheard of, but this has been researched, tested, and even observed by people and scientists from all over the world. Extreme mental concentration is all that is needed.A great subject to prove mind over matter is firewalking. It is said that thinking "cool moss" can actually help a person walk right over top of burning coals without getting burnt (Fighting 15). People actually train to go firewalk. Ronald J. Pekala, from the Mid-Atlantic Education Institute in Westchester, Pennsylvania trains people for six hours, teaching them to focus their attention on a single image. Then, one by one the virginwalkers, as they are called, walk across the pit of fire without getting burnt. Could this be a way for people around the world to gain more confidence and self-esteem?Most of the firewalkers walk across the fire because after they have done it they feel that they can do anything after that. Firewalking is a real confidence booster for people with low self-esteem. Motivational trainers across the United States have seen what firewalking does to their patients. They are impressed. They see it as a way to "free them for achievement" (Fighting 15). The trainers have used meditation and massage to try and help their patients calm down and to relax. Firewalking seems to be the new big thing out there that is working very well. What can massage or meditation be used for nowEd Hipp coaches golf at a small high school in Fairfield, Iowa. He teaches his players yogic flying and transcendental meditation to be mentally prepared before a match. "His golfers meditate up to three hours a day, eat no red meat and get to bed by 10 p.m." (Lidz...

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