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Waldo Throat Cancer Throat CancerThere are many kinds of cancer that are around us every day. There is Lung cancer caused from smoking, skin cancer caused by the sun and many other kinds of cancer. The one that I want to talk about is Throat cancer.You may say you have not heard of throat cancer before, that is because it has a couple of different names. I t can be called esophageal cancer, cancer of the pharynx and cancer of the throat. But before we talk about throat cancer I think we need to figure out what cancer in general is. Cancer is sometimes referred to as a single disease but in truth is many. It is a group of more than 100 diseases caused by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Cancer can occur in any part of an animal or plant were cells grow and divide. Most normal cells reproduce by cell division until adulthood. Once the process slows down cells reproduce mainly to repair damaged cells. A cancerous cell grows and divides endlessly crowding nearby healthy cells and spreading to other parts of the body. It is still unknown why this happens. When there is a mass or collection of cells is called a malignant tumor. Malignant tumors grow rapidly and invade and destroy nearby tissues. Cancers that stay in the spot that they developed are much easier to treat and cure than those that spread though out the body. Sometimes malignant tumors will invade a healthy cell to make it an abnormal cancer cell. This is called metastasis. This occurs when the cancer cells leave the tumor through the bloodstream or lymphatic system to other parts of the body. When the cells come to rest the multiply and form a new tumor. This spreading is what makes cancer especially dangerous. Cancers Metastasize is a very predictable way. Although cancer is mainly a disease that is for old people it can strike at any age. About 1,010,000 new causes are reported in the United States each year. Many of the causes of the ...

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