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Bermuda (Devil’s) Triangle The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Many people believed that people, ships, and planes have mysteriously vanished in this area. The size of the triangle varies from 500,000 square miles. Some trace the mystery back to the time of Columbus. Bermuda Triangle estimates range from about 200 to no more than 8,000 distress calls in the area and that there have been more than 50 ships and 20 planes to go down in the Bermuda Triangle within the last century. Many people think Bermuda Triangle is made of Evil extraterrestrial, residue crystals from Atlantis, evil humans with anti-gravity devices or other weird technologies, and vile vortices from the fourth dimension. Strange magnetic fields and oceanic flatulence are favorites among the technically minded. Weather, bad luck, pirates, explosive cargoes, incompetent navigators, and other natural and human causes are favorites among skeptical investigators. Is Bermuda Triangle fact or fiction and how people react to the Bermuda Triangle (Devil’s Triangle).The first appearance of the Bermuda Triangle was 1492. In that time, people were afraid of sailing. They didn’t know any thing about other side of ocean. Christopher Columbus sailed through the area in 1492. It is reported that Columbus’s compass went bezerk and that he and his crew saw weird lights in the sky. When he was sailing, he saw a great flame of fire that crash into the ocean:Columbus and crew also spotted a meteor hitting the water….[I]t was not that uncommon to see shooting stars and the like. The meteor was noted in Columbus’ log mainly because of the size….Columbus also logged a report of seeing lights in the distance, on October 11. He called for one of his men, who also saw the light. When a third man finally came, the light had vanished.”(Berlitz 202)The light that ap...

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