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Mercantilism was an economic theory of the 16th and 17th century. Every country in Western Europe used mercantilism, in its ecomony. Mercantilism was based around the amount of gold a country had. In mercantilism, any nation seeking power needed to have a large amount of gold. This meant gave a great amount of control over a colony, to the mother country. The English applied mercantilism to their colonies by, forcing them to buy only British goods, or goods imported through Britain. That way, the colonists had to give to Britain, and no other country, thus the British were assured of their goods and money. The colonists were forced to produce only raw materials not found in Britain. The were supost to sell those materials only to Britain. And finally, the colonists were not tom make anything they could but from Britain. This system cause the colonists to continue to grow weary of the King. In conclusion, mercantilism was a type of economic system of the 15 and 16 hundreds. It was based around how much gold and precious metals a country had. The more gold, the wealthier, and more powerful, the country was. Most countries with colonies, forced there colonies to produce materials that the mother country could not produce, then the mother country could sell those materials for more gold. That is what Britain forced there colonies to do, which led to the Revolutionary War....

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