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Japanese Education reflecting their Culture

Japanese Education reflecting their Culture Education in Japan, one will find various insights into Japanese culture. Japans approach to education reflects Japanese values. Modern Japan is quite an amazing place where people act proper and have great values. The Japanese people have a value system that can be reflected well by their educational system. Three main values are easily seen when you look at how Japanese schools function and are how they are structured. Respect is an everyday presence, proper presentation is always apparent, and effectiveness is seen, used, and unparalleled to the rest of the world. Respect is a very strong part of culture in Japan. It is definitely a main value and is obvious if you visit any Japanese department stores. You are respected almost anywhere you go and are bowed to and greeted whenever you enter stores and elevators. This is also true to the rest of Japan. Respect can be seen in virtually all parts of the country and a good example would be when it rains by these department stores, associates hand out plastic bags to keep your umbrellas contained and clean. This is done as a courtesy to you. It is just an example of how you are even respected in stores. Another value that is constantly seen is organization and good presentation. This is for good reason too, there is an amazing amount of people on the island, and organization of the living space, is an essential part to the survival with Japan’s current population. Proper presentation is seen when you buy items at these stores. When you buy any good it is wrapped beautifully and made ready for whatever event you need it to attend or use. This type of service always pleases people when they shop and reflects the way people are in Japan. Effectiveness in Japan is also another great human value there. With the space restrictions of an island Japan needs to be effective all throughout the stores and the island. The layout of stores is always ...

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