IMPORTANCE OF THE ILIAD AS A MODERN TEACHING TOOL The passing of works from generation to generation is not an uncommon thing, For centuries, even since the beginning of time, scholars have recorded and passed on historical accounts, works of art, poetry, and great literary worksas a means of transcending the culture from one generation to the next. In doing so, theseworks were not merely used for leisurely purposes, rather as a way to teach and educatedifferent lessons, morals, and values. Many notable works have come and gone throughout the ages, each with their own set of teachings or lessons to be gained. I believe it to be true that Homer’s Iliad is a wonderful work of literature, as well as a container of many valuable teachings. These teaching, however, are not limited to theculture and time of Homer’s days. When applied to our modern world, The Iliad runs thegamete of varitable lessons from which we can draw from it. In fact, the lessons in The Iliad even mirror situations we might find typical in today’s world.Although it may take many forms, or different meanings, honor is a trait most decent people still consider an admirable, and often even necessary quality. The Iliad definitely does not lack scenes which make a good case for honor as a worthy attribute tohold. One such scene which comes to mind is the conflict between Diomedes and Glaucus. These two warriors meet on the battle field, ready to battle. While talking in aPage 2negative manner about each other’s lineage. While engrossed their discourse, they discover that their respective ancestors were allies. Rather than continue their hatefulwords and do battle, the two men decide to call a truce to honor their ancestors heritage.Glaucus and Diomedes even trade armor so that everyone will know they will do no harm to one another. When looking at this scene from a modern stand point, one might see their pre-battle talk as “tras...