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American imperialism seems at first to be an oxymoron. After all, when this country was established, it was done so by a group of people fleeing the imperialistic oppression of their own homeland. These people had a dream of creating a place where a man could live for himself, free of the subjugation of his government or any other coercive force. This seemed like a relatively simple dream to fulfill at the time, when America was new and lacking the corruption of power. As it grew, however, the simplistic approach to life in the U.S. altered drastically. The power that came with the size and wealth that was soon associated with America brought changes in attitude. Why should America limit its ambition to one continent when so much opportunity lie beyond? What it meant to be American was no longer to be free, it was to have power. Those who still clung to the ideals of an enlightened existence in an unconventional government were overrun by those craving a more opportunistic one.Webster defines imperialism as “the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas, or broadly, the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence.” Though some may not know it, and others may not want to admit it, that is exactly what America did. In a lull of such local problems as reconstruction and industrialization, Manifest Destiny was once again sovereign of the American initiative. The idea of the convenience and prosperity that control of worldwide colonies promised was easy to embrace, and the conquering of those lands was nearly as easy. With a massively superior navy and the support of more than adequate ground forces, America swept over several Spanish colonies, including Cuba and the Philippines, under the pretence that they would be freed from their oppres...

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