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Does Feminism Really Work

Does Feminism Really Work? Equality – that’s all we want. Women of the past fought long and hard for equal rights. Now that they have it, did they get more than what they bargained for? Feminism has fought for equality of the sexes for years, and has succeeded with incredible outcome. Women are now allowed to vote, hold public office and serve in the military. However, does the aftermath of feminism bode well for all women? The solution that was to be the salvation of sexual discrimination is now placing unnecessary burdens on women and men.Now that women are allowed in the workplace, who is to stay in the home and raise children? Who is to be the keeper of the house? Feminists believe that males are just as capable of such tasks as are women. This may be true, but only to a certain extent. A male, for instance, cannot breast-feed an infant because men and women are – quite obviously – biologically different. Women birth children, and would thus be given the natural abilities required to undergo such a task as well as necessary attributes needed to care for that which is created. Many men simply do not possess the nurturing qualities that most women do. A man may be more prone to outbursts of anger or impatience than would a mother – women tend to be more patient with their children. Men, as they are generated by society, are more harsh and powerful than are women. These attributes are held over into the home and even into - in many cases - the philosophies of rearing a child.If a child is lucky enough to have two parents that are still together, yet unfortunate enough to have both of those parents work, whith whom does the child grow? Who teaches morals? To whom does a child look up to? How closely related do they feel to their parents who leave them with a sitter or playgroup everyday? In her essay The “Failure of Feminism”, Kay Ebeling states, “You don’t need ...

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