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Causes of WWII

The Causes of World War II World War I was supposed to be the war to end all wars, so how was it that America had to yet again fight in what is considered our worlds second war? Throughout time fuel kept on being added to the fire and America found themselves in what is now called World War II. It seems funny to say that the very thing that ended World War I actually caused the second World War. The Treaty Of Versailles marked the end of World War I but not all countries were satisfied with this. The Germans thought it was unbalanced and unfair to them. Hitler detested the treaty by creating a military and occupying its surrounding neighbors, including Austria-Hungary. Germany continued to take over Czechloslovokia due to its strength in minerals. England and France watched as all this was happening becoming more and more angry. Then England and France decided to declare war if Hitler took over Poland. Another thing that sparked the beginning of World War II was something called militarism. Countries figured that if they provided themselves with a strong military that it would solve their economic problems. Germany started to develop an air force along with a fleet of submarines called U-Boats and battle ships. Along with this, Germany blamed the Jewish people for the economic problems there. Expansionism was another thing that started World War II. Mainly Germany, Italy and Japan were among the countries that wanted to expand their land. Under Benito Mussolinis rule, Italy took over Libya and Ethiopia for its oil supplies. Japan took over Manchuria and Indochina in an attempt to gain resources for its Island and at the same time, become the leading power in Asia. Germany concentrated its efforts in Europe with Czechloslovokia, Austria-Hungary and the Rhineland. With all these on-going events, America tried its hardest to remain neutral and when the war did in fact start, it provided Britain ...

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