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Throughout my duration in college, business has been my major area of concentration. Capitalism is themost central and consequential topic which has to dowith business. The ideals of capitalism, over time,have faced much scrutiny. Many great minds within thepast two centuries have discredited capitalism, for thevirtues of socialism and the whole of society. It ismy intent to put forth a moral justification of theideals behind capitalism.Ayn Rand said The moral justification ofcapitalism does not lie in the altruist claim that itrepresents the best way to achieve the common good. It is true that capitalism does, if that catch phrasehas any meaning, but this is merely a secondaryconsequence. The moral justification for capitalismlies in the fact that it is the only system consonantwith mans rational nature, that it protects manssurvival qua man, and that its ruling principle is:justice. In other words, the common good is bestachieved through capitalism. This is not because thatis its main purpose, but because it is a secondaryconsequence. Because the common good is merely asecondary consequence and not the primary purpose ofcapitalism, it is seen by some to be a necessary evil. However, I view it as simply necessary. Capitalism isan economic system in which investment in and ownershipof the means of production, distribution and exchangeof wealth is made and maintained chiefly by privateindividuals or corporations. Capitalism respects therights of the individual to set and fulfill his owngoal and to achieve his own happiness. Therefore,capitalism is not only practical, but morally sound, aswell. Capitalism is about the creation of wealth. Wealthtends to be created more abundantly in a society oflaissez-faire capitalism. The ideas behind theargument for capitalism are simple. Assuming thatconsumers are most concerned with their own selfinterest, the demand for goods that are the most usefulor helpful for society will arise....

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