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Many people believe that once a criminal is found guilty, he/she should not be granted justice. The punishment of the convicted felon varies by the judge and/or jury, but most of the time the homicidal criminal is sentenced to death. However, there are several reasons why the death penalty should not be an option for the punishment of felons. The issue of capital punishment raises important issues over moral and practical positions, justifying the reason why capital punishment is not equitable for criminals. The first point raised opposing capital punishment is the eye-for-an-eye aspect. This aspect of the death penalty is morally and religiously wrong. The religious issue is over the fact that only God can take the life of someone when He deems it appropriate. With capital punishment, society is giving itself authority over life and death. The controversy is raised over how one can take the life of a criminal, and is, therefore, committing the same crime. The government is granting the right to kill someone only with legal backing. Since the same offense is being brought about, this suggests that the slayer should be put to death as well. Another conflict that is being raised to the surface by capital punishment is that some believe there is racism and inequality negatively effecting the application of the death sentence. Opponents believe the death penalty is imposed severely on the minorities and the poor. NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. claims, the evidence demonstrates that racial bias continues to influence the application of the death penalty. Most studies show that a person convicted of killing a Caucasian is much more likely to be sentenced to death than a person convicted of killing an African-American. This issue is also raising conflict about the fact that maybe the judge and/or the jury could possibly be prejudiced. If that is the case, many wrongly accused suspects have been put to death, being the fault o...

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