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An Anylization of WolfGang Amedeus Mozart8217s Symphony No 1 in C

WolfGang Amedeus Mozart Symphony No. 1 in C majar, K. 551 Jupiter First Movement: Allegro vivace The first theme begins with the whole orchestra playing a C loudly three times. The timpanis hit a third above. Then with a much softer dynamic the violins play a pleasant dotted rhythm melody, or the Lombardi rhythm. It goes C to B to D to C G to F. Then the orchestra plays loudly three times, again but playing the dominant, G. Then the violins softly play, in the same Lambardi rhythm, that same motive, but starting on D instead of C and ending on G instead of F. Then the orchestra loudly plays, in the dotted rhythm, the tonic chord, then the subdominant, to the dominant, back to the tonic, to the subdominant and to the dominant again, then back and forth a few times between the Dominant and the tonic and then cadencing on the dominant. The next melody is played by the wind instruments and the strings that is quite similar it the first quiet motive. There is much chromatics, as it starts to modulate and turn minor. It crescendos and cadences on the dominant, which is played loudly three times like before. Then almost just as loud and new melody with the dotted rhythm ascends upward and it cadences on the dominant of the original dominant, the orchestra playing it three times like before. The violins are quiet again as the play another pleasant melody, but in a different key. It gets very quiet and slows down. [2:04] There is a small pause and suddenly a prominent E-flat comes out of the C minor and then it goes to E natural playing C major then to the subdominant and quickly to the tonic. The dominant is briefly embellished before it cadences to the median chord and quiets down a little. A string instrument plucks a G and a new melody is introduced. It cadences to the original dominant and then everything repeated, but small differences hear and there. It is extended after it gets back to this point and starts to modulate even more. It go...

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