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Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany to his Jewish parents Hermann and Paulina Koch Einstein. In his early years he went to a strict elementary school. In high school he moved to Switzerland where he also went to technical college.Somewhere between 1899 and 1905 he became a Swiss citizen. In 1903 he married Mileva Marec, together they had two sons, and later got divorced.In 1905 Einstein published five research papers that changed the human view of the universe. The first one in which he won a doctorate.The second paper told of the theory of light, in which light is small packs of energy, and electrons moved when being struck by light. This paper was important to several electronics like the television, computerThe third paper he introduced the "special theory of relativity." This showed how time and motion are closely related, and if the speed of light is constant the same laws exist all over the universe.The fourth paper was the mathematical view of Einsteins "special theory of relativity," which had the well known formula E=mc2. I will review this more later on.I was unable to find any information on the fifth and final paper.In 1939 a little while before the beginning of World War II Einstein heard that two German chemists had learned how to split the atom. Then a little while later a French chemist living in the US reported that there was a tremendous amount of energy in atoms.So Einstein wrote a letter to President F.D.R. that this information could very well get the Germans started on the atom bomb so the US should start working on it to.Einstein often spoke out against nationalism, yet was very much for Zionism (the belief in having a Jewish homeland). When the Nazis came to power they took all his property away and burned all his books.Luckily he had already moved to the US where he was helping in the Manhattan Project (the building of the atom bomb).E=mc2 is the formula for the Law of Conservation of ...

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