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1 megahertz to 500

Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, two good friends from high school, started a revolution that will never end. They invented the first Apple computer (Slater 3) TheApple I, they called it, ran on one megahertz and hadeight thousand bites of memory and only eight bits ofpixels on the screen (Levey 5). By today's standards thatis absolutely nothing. Much like people of today, thefirst testers of the computer did not even take itseriously. It wasn't until the Apple II came out in 1977 thatpeople paid attention to the Apple computers. The AppleII was almost exactly like the Apple I, but it wascomparatively inexpensive, at $1,298 (Levey 11). From1977 to 1993 Apple Computer produced and extension to theApple II series. Based on the MOStek 6502 microprocessor,the first Apple II was the first personal computer withthe ability to display color graphics and to come in astylish plastic housing (Levey 15). From then on, Appleupdated the Apple II line further creating the Apple II+with increased memory, the Apple IIe, which is the onlyApple computer to date to have been produced for more thana decade, the Apple IIc, a compact version of the AppleIIe with a faster processor and expanded memory, the AppleIIc+, a later version of the Apple IIc, and the AppleIIgs, the first, last and only 16-bit Apple II, designed to produceenhanced graphics and sound, with a much more powerfulmicroprocessor, and still compatible with the older 8-bitApple II software (Levey 24). Even the new Apple III could not top the outstandingperformance of the Apple II series. Because of it'soutrageous price of $4,000 - $7,000, and minimalimprovements the Apple III is considered one of thebiggest bombs in the history of Apple Computers. Thenext computer, the "Lisa", which was named after SteveJobs's daughter, whom he neglected, was a giant leap fromthe Apple III. It had five megahertz, and five megabytesof hard drive, and most importantly a Graphic UserInterface (History...

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