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In America alone, approximately 1.5 million abortions are performed every year. That is about one abortion every twenty seconds, yet nothing is being done to reduce these numbers. Why does the law allow the murders of so many innocent babies to continue? The answer is simple, it shouldnt. Abortion is wrong and should be stopped. This fact is apparent when one sees the suffering that abortion causes, not only to the baby, but to many others as well. All this damage can be so easily avoided when one sees the alternatives and the truths behind abortion myths. Abortion has brought about suffering to many people in more ways than one. Clearly, a lot of the damage is done to the baby. It will never have a chance to live. It has done nothing wrong, yet it is the one being punished for the mistakes of its parents. The loss is unimaginable; it is the loss of a life. The life of a blameless soul that otherwise could have been filled with hopes, dreams, laughter, joy and love. What of the mother? The damages inflicted upon her seem endless. After abortions, many women develop eating disorders and problems with substance abuse to help them cope with the loss, guilt and regret. They face chronic relationship problems, poor health and potential sterility. Reports show that post-abortion women go to their doctor eighty percent more for physical reasons and one hundred and eighty percent more for psychological. They are depressed and harbour thoughts of suicide and many attempt it more than twice. They double their likelihood of getting breast, cervical, ovarian, and liver cancer, add to this the deaths of the women from the abortions themselves, and you have more than 40,600 additional deaths per year. The misery doesnt stop there, it extends toward the mothers following children. A lot of children of post-abortion women are handicapped. Maternal bonding is reduced, and in some cases, abortion has even been linked to child abuse. It is evident that ...

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