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Bacterial and Viral Infections

Being part of the Sports Medicine profession, Athletic Trainers have to be ready for anything and everything when it comes to treating their athletes. This includes recognition, evaluation, education and prevention of various problems. One specific aspect of this is having a basic knowledge of contagious diseases that is seen all too commonly in Athletics. Some examples of this include Tinea Pedis(Athlete's Foot), Conjunctivitis(pink eye), and Tinea Corporis(ringworm). Although these conditions aren't life threatening, they are bothersome and can mean removal from play for the individual. Early recognition by the athlete and Athletic Trainer means immediate treatment and loss of practice can be kept to a minimum. Tinea Pedis, commonly known as "Athlete's Foot", is one of the most prevalent and distinguishable conditions a person can contract. Over 10% of the population develops Athlete's Foot every year and 75% of the US population will have Athlete's Foot sometime in their lives(Hamann, 1994). It rarely occurs before puberty and is found more frequently in adolescent and young adult males. Tinea Pedis is commonly contracted by walking barefoot on wet floors around swimming pools and public showers that are contaminated. These areas stay warm and moist all the time and this promotes abundant growth of the fungi. While all athletes are prone to this problem because of profuse sweating on a daily basis, swimmers are the source of a great number of Tinea Pedis cases. Diagnosis of Athlete's Foot is usually made from history and clinical examination. Microscopic examination of a wet mount of skin scrapings in a 10% potassium hydroxide solution can reveal branching fungal forms, thus confirming the diagnosis. It is mostly found between the third and fourth and fourth and fifth toes but may extend onto the plantar or dorsal forefoot. As stated above, moist environment promotes the growth of the fungi and gram-negative bacteri...

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