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women in mathematics sexual and cultural diversity

1.From developing the family tree of the three generations I learned a lot about My parents were the source of this information about the three generations. Ididn’t really know much about them. Based on my gathered information from my parents I think that my information is accurate. The reason why I didn’t ask my other relatives isbecause they live abroad and also because I don’t get along with some of my relatives. Iwas really satisfied with the results that I got from my parents.2.From my dad’s side I found out that my grandfather had high blood pressure thatresulted in sudden heart attack. I also found out that my grandmother was diagnosedwith high blood pressure, Diabetes, and also Breast Cancer. From my mom’s side herdad had high blood pressure and also Gout. My mom’s mom also has diabetes and highblood pressure. From looking at all these illnesses I see high blood pressure in myfamily.3.The health condition that most likely to show up in the family is due to airpollution. It’s because the environment where my family used to live in. India is a reallypopulated and also polluted country where it is a great risk to the population to inheritthe polluted gases which causes air pollution. So asthma is one of the main illness in mycountry due to air pollution.4.I know that high blood pressure is the main illness in my family. The specifichealth change that I want to make in my family is the blood pressure. I will do it bycutting down on salt and fatty foods like Ghee. I want my family to cut down on theconsumption of high cholesterol foods.5.This assignment made me learn more about my family background and the healthrisks that evolve around my family. I also learned a lot about how I can make changes inmy family because my family has a history of high blood pressure and diabetes. ...

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