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Almost every time one turns on the television he will see some sort of Shoes, cars, phone companies, and many otherproducts are advertised every day. We see all sorts of commercialswhere the end is full of fine lines that are displayed so fast that one,whom is not a speed reader, could never read it before it is taken off ofthe screen. This leaves the viewer with only the knowledge of what hesaw in the commercial without the fine wording at the end. There arealso radio advertisements, billboards, and fliers containing false ormisleading advertisements. Is it fair that many of the advertisementsthat businesses have today are misleading? No, this is not fair. Ibelieve that businesss have an ethical responsibility to society to behonest, not misleading. Reasons that I believe this include: fairnessand moral obligation.An ad on the television states that used cars can be bought for avery small amount. This makes one want to run out and buy the car. He goes to see the car. It looks and drives fine. The salesman saysthat the car has had one owner, and had never had any problems. Thecustomer buys the car. A couple days later the car has some majorproblems. With a little searching on the title, the owner found out the carhad been wrecked. This is not fair. It is not fair for advertisements orsalesmen to be misleading. This customer has officially been rippedoff. This is not uncommon, How is one supposed to trust businesseswhen they have been ripped off and seen or heard of other peoplebeing ripped off?What ever happened to people that had morals that governed theireveryday life? Salesmen can look one straight in the eye, without evenflinching, and tell a bold faced lie. This is very wrong. Other people getaround having to tell one a lie, For example, the car salesmanmentioned above was not asked if the car had been involved in anaccident. He did not exactly lie, but was morally incorrect. This is verywrong. Busines...

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