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American companies take many things into consideration when marketing products in other countries. The articleTough Cookies by Oliver Libaw, and the article Not sofast by Jean-Marc Lehu discuss marketing American Productsin other countries. Tough Cookies discussed Nabisco andtheir success of selling Oreos and Chips Ahoy in Mexico. Not so fast discussed the triumph of the store CrazyGeorge, which is like American Rent-A-Center, in the UnitedKingdom and their failure in France. North American FreeTrade Agreement (NAFTA), which was established in 1994, madeit possible for Nabisco to sell their products in Mexico. NAFTA produced almost free trade between the United Statesand Mexico. The European Union (EU) did basically the samething as NAFTA in Europe. EU produced many marketingadvantages because it made it possible not to have to marketitems by one nation at a time. NAFTA and EU make marketingproducts in other countries easier.Nabisco took a big chance by marketing their cookies inMexico. Nabisco succeeded in establishing their productseven though Mexico was in a recession. The company realizedthat there was an open opportunity for their products. InMexico there was not a cookie exactly like theirs. Oreo andChips Ahoy are the best selling cookies in the United Statesso they thought that the products might do the same inMexico. They did not have an expansive advertisingcampaign. Instead they relied on in-store promotions. Onreason for their success is that they have a strongdistribution and name recognition. Many people did notthink that the product would sell, even though they havegreat presence. There are two main events that might havehelped Nabisco. One event is that snack foods are cheaper,so instead of eating more expensive, healthy foods, peopleswitched to a substitute. Another event is that the peoplewho were buying the cookies are the wealthier individuals,which price would not effect them. There is research th...

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