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Levis Pants Vs Dockers Pants

is one of the largest company in the business world, having headquarters in all of the continents and selling their most significant product, clothing. Their most popular items are the Levi's jeans and the Dockers khaki pants. Levi's Strauss & Co. has been a very successful company producing, studying people wants and needs, selling, distributing, and promoting their product. The purpose of this report is to analyze the different marketing mix, or even, probably the same marketing mix that Levi Strauss is applying to both products. Giving you an idea of how, why and the consequence of the marketing mix that Levi Strauss & Co. has applied and still is applying with some minor changes. Although the report's frame contains a set of controllable and tactical marketing tools that Levi Strauss & Co. blends to produce the response required in the target market, it is a fact that they have been achieving their objectives by delivering value to its consumers. However, notice that these tools represent Levi's point of view of the marketing mix available to persuade its buyers. And from the customer's point of view, each marketing tool is designed to deliver the corresponding benefits.In preparing this report, the conclusion has been drawn by facts and figures provided directly by Levi Strauss & Co. European Headquarters and by public resources.The layout of this report intends to analyze each marketing tool by discussing each point and relating them from one to another, noticing the difference and/or similarities of the two products. LEVI'S STRAUSS & C.O.'S HISTORYLevi Strauss was invented in 1850 by a Bavarian who sold canvas pants to California gold seekers, and for a long time the blue jeans have been an institution in the American’s life, dominating the industry Levi’s Strauss & Co.During the 50s and 70s when the baby boom caused an explosion in the number of young people, the sales of jeans was easy. That’s when Levi&#...

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