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Airlines Take to the Skies in

Throughout the time one of the most regulated industries has been the airline industry. The creation of the European Union (EU) had allowed for the airlines from those countries to fly among each others with fewer regulations. This deregulation has propelled a wave of changes for the carriers based on these countries. One of these changes is the proliferation of strategic alliances as the globalization of this market increases. These alliances are created with the purpose of lowering costs by reducing the number of aircrafts in service, sharing maintenance staff and buying together bigger quantities of supplies like fuel.A study shows that in 1995 only a third of the intercontinental alliances in 1992 were still in service. One of the most successful international alliances is the one between KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Northwest Airlines. After creating the alliance with Northwest, KLM was able to reduce costs by increasing the percentage of travelers on their flights. What made this alliance possible was a treaty signed in 1992, that allow for airlines companies from the United States and Netherlands to fly into each others markets. In this alliance the two airlines have code sharing; one can book seats in the others flights. Based on the opinions of experts, KLM and Northwest need to launch a market campaign so the general public perceives them as one company. As well to standardize service on each carrier so the passengers feel comfortable flying either one.The second of the alliance is the proposed between American Airlines and British Airways. This alliance provoked a lot of controversy. This alliance faces a great number of regulatory obstacles; given the fact this alliance would create the biggest airline alliance. It will have to be approved by regulatory agencies in EU and the United States. Not only this, but also the United States and United Kingdom would have to sign an open-sky treaty before the alliance g...

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