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gun control1

Guns are there a right to all American citizens, or are they an out of date way of defense. In this paper you will find many examples of how guns are a right for Americans. Also necessary way of defense.People who are for gun control, assume that when guns are taken away there will no longer be any gun related crime. This is far from the truth, in many places where strict gun control bills have been passed; the murder rate has risen by a huge amount. In the following paragraphs you will find many examples of how gun control just means more violence. New Jersey adopted what experts described as “the most stringent gun law” in the nation in 1966: two years later, the murder rate was up 46 percent and the robbery rate had nearly doubled. Another example, in 1968, Hawaii imposed a series of increasingly harsh measures on firearms its murder rate, then a low 2.4 per 100,000 people per year, tripled to 7.2 by 1977.In 1976, Washington, DC passed one of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation. Since then, the city’s murder rate has risen 134 percent while the national rate dropped 2 percent. The defenders of the Washington law claim that it isn’t working because criminals are getting guns in Virginia, where the laws are more relaxed. However just across the Potomac River, in Arlington Va. has a murder rate less than one tenth of what Washington has?In the 15 states with the highest homicide rates, 10 of which have strict police on gun ownership. 20 percent of the United States homicides occur in four cities with just 6 percent of the population New York, Chicago, Detroit and Washington D.C. Respectfully each of these cities has virtual made it illegal to own a handgun. New York on its own has 20 percent of the armed robberies in the country.These states are not only limited to the United States; Canada passed a gun control law in 1977. After this took place they saw an increase in armed robbery...

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