It is hard to imagine that executions are a yearly process the government participates in It is also hard to accept that, Allen Lee Davis, a man wasexecuted this past summer. Davis was electrocuted using Floridas new electric chair itwas the first time the chair had been used. It was the first and last time Davis would sit inthat chair. When the first jolt of 2,300 volts hit, Allen Davis, blood poured from hismouth as it drop open probably from muscle spasms in the face. Blood poured into thesmall buckle holes in the chest straps and covered his shirt. Allen Davis had filled the airwith a repugnant smell of burnt flesh. This execution (brutal as it may be depicts ourjustice systems worst punishment) is used most. (botched executions,essential).Countless studies have shown and proven that the murder per capita rate has not gonedown since capital punishment was illegal. After 1976 when capital punishment waslegalized the murder rate has gone up. We need to take into consideration the fact that itcosts taxpayers less to give a prisoner a life sentence without parole than it does to keepthem on death row....