Marijuana should be legalized I stand pretty hard on this one. And many of my peers as well. The ones that dont are mostly the serious middle age citizens, as they enjoy calling themselves. The grandmas and grandpas dont even know about this issue, so they are not as loud on it. Lucky us! The fact is, majority of the marijuana consumers are we, the young people. Why do we do it? Why not? We are young and we want to have fun. Getting high gets our boredom away. It is easy for the serious middle aged citizens to say that this is a poor reason but, after all, they are serious. They did the same at our age. But now, of course, they are sinless. What would they say about the people that need this drug desperately for medical use? Or it is fine to be an anti-marijuana activist as long as Tylenol and Advil do it for you? How selfish! There are people out there crying out for medical help. This is their last hope. Should we ignore them? Let them suffer and die? Finally, marijuana is not as dangerous as tobacco and alcohol, but we havent abolished them. Hundreds of thousands of deaths each year are the casualties of tobacco and alcohol consumption. But Jack Daniels and Camel ads are still on the back-cover of our favorite magazines. Not to mention the billions of dollars only US government spends fighting marijuana. Wake up Uncle Sam, there are some real dangers you need to eliminate, and marijuana is not one of them. The fun time it provides, its medical use, and the discriminations it is a subject of, support the idea of its legalization. Well, what can I say, Uncle Sam is just too busy to listen to us potheads. But, wait Uncle Sam, even your creators toke it up once in a while. Apparently, for President Clinton Lewinsky wasnt a scandal big enough, so he stepped forward and said, I smoked (marijuana), but I didnt inhale. Its like one saying, Yeah, I drank some beer, but I didnt swallow. Lets face reality. Marijuana is part of peoples lives a...