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There are many things that occur during sexual activity that can be considered a sexual dysfunction. A sexual dysfunction is the loss or impairment of the ordinary physical responses of sexual function. There are many dysfunctions for men and women such as erectile disorder, female sexual arousal disorder, female orgasmic disorder, vaginismus, and premature ejaculation. All dysfunctions, as mentioned above may be life long dysfunctions or may have been acquired over time. Once again a life long dysfunction is one that has been experienced since the beginning of the sexual cycle. On the other hand, acquired is one that has been experienced at one point or another in a person’s life but, can no longer be experienced by that person.In men, sexual dysfunction is usually known as erectile disorder or dysfunction. Erectile disorder is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection that is adequate for sexual pleasures. This condition was once called “impotence”. Some causes for erectile disorder may be fatigue, diabetes, hypertension, aging, alcohol and other drugs that change the hormones and affect the body. Other common reasons for this dysfunction may be psychological, from the mind, such as anxiety. Lately in the United States a new drug has been released to help people who suffer from erectile disorder. This drug is known as Viagra. This drug affects the blood flow to the penis and helps the male keep his erection much longer until the end of sex, or until desired. Another common dysfunction in men is premature ejaculation. This dysfunction involves the recurring tendency to ejaculate during sex sooner than the man or his partner desires. Many men experience one of these problems at some point in their lives, but in only a few of them is this a reoccurring problem.In women, sexual dysfunction usually takes the form of female sexual arousal disorder. Female sexual arousal disorder is the inability to...

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