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First of all I think that in the back of every parents mind are questions concerning their child’s future. Like will it be a doctor, a lawyer, or the next president of the UnitedStates. But with these questions there are also more questions that are not discussedfreely like what if it is a bad child or it is uncontrollable? And will it do drugs or tryalcohol and smoke cigarettes? Another question that might be in the back of a parentsmind is about its child’s sexual orientation. I know this may seem far fetched to somepeople but if I had a child right now in todays world, that question would not be in theback of my mind but in the front. I know that any parent and including me will love theirchild no matter what it’s sexual orientation, but I know that most if not all parents wouldprefer that their kids be straight. This is not so they won’t be embarrass or ashamed bytheir child, but only for the protection of their child. As we all know this world is not asafe place for people that are different. I think that parents are concerned when their girlacts like a tomboy, but they get really scared when their son starts doing what wetraditionally consider girl stuff. A child should be raised to be whomever he or shechooses and the child shouldn’t have to accept society, but society should accept the childfor who they are.A parents reaction to their daughter acting like a tomboy is very passive and theyplay it off humorously and sometimes they even encourage it. This doesn’t apply to someparents but most parents react this way when their daughter acts like a boy and does boystuff. I used to know a girl that was a tomboy. She always hung around with boys evenin middle school. She had al guy friends and would play boys games. Not once did I everhear her parents say anything to make her stop acting like a tomboy, instead theyencouraged. For instance they used to take all her friends, we were a...

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