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western civ

1)Pharaohs- Pharaohs were gods-kings to the ancient Egyptian people. During the Old Kingdom in Egypt between 2,700 and 2,200 BC the land and people of the country were property of the pharaohs. The Egyptian people worshiped the pharaohs and built temples and pyramids to honor and worship them for all eternity. They mummified pharaohs in order to preserve their bodies for the afterlife. Pharaohs prepared to be mummified their entire lives for the Egyptians had a quest for eternal life. 2)Polis- Greek Dark Ages 750 BC- Sometimes translated as a “city-state” for the basic Greek political unit, Polis was thought of by the Greeks as a community of citizens who descended from a common ancestor. Although the poleis were a state because of the self-governing institutions, many never grew big enough to become a true city. This is why the name “city-state” is not an accurate translation. 3)Hannibal- During the second Punic War, between 218 and 202 BC, when Hasdrubal was assassinated the army chose Hannibal to succeed him. Hannibal soon extended the empire in Spain, which eventually led to war between Rome and Spain. Rome suffered huge losses in the battle and devised a plan to drive out Hannibal. Although Hannibal had won every battle he lost the war to the devoted Rome and their allies.4)Punic Wars- When the Romans built a fleet to blockade the Carthage it was their first real progress in the First Punic War (264-241BC). When they declared war in 218 BC against the Carthage government in the Second Punic war they suffered huge losses, and it turned out to be their worst defeat. 5)Socrates- Because Socrates wrote nothing down, all our knowledge of him depends on reports of others from around 470 and 400 BC. He supposedly had great interest in the theories about the physical world, but his soon became more interested in the interior world of human understanding and decision-making. He interviewed many people who were thou...

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