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the holocaust

The Holocaust was a catastrophic, cataclysmic event in history that took place over 55 years ago, but why is it still so important to us today? One of the many reasons it is still widely discussed today, is because of the many rights it violated for the Jews as human beings. The main goal of the holocaust was forNazis to try and kill every Jewish person alive in Europe. Many Nazi leaderstried their hardest do to this, and went unpunished for their actions. All ofthis tradgedy and calamity started when Adolf Hitler came into power.Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich came to power in 1938, the Jews in Europeknew they were in trouble. Hitler blamed them for Germany's rapid fall as aworld power and he made sure they were to be punished for their supposedly wrongdoings. Elie Wiesel's novel Night, is about his ownfamily's struggle to survive the terrifying years of the early1940's. Wiesel exists in a minority of Jews who lived to share hisunfortunate and disturbing experiences. Elie, his three siblings, andparentswere from Sighet, Transylvania. Most of the townspeople believed that livingin Sighet put them far out of Hitler's reach, but they eventually were forcedto face the harsh reality near the end of the war. This came as a surprise tothem because the Jews had been following the path of the warclosely by listening to the radio. The Jews of Sighet began to questionthemselves and ask is it possible for one man and his Fascist party to wipeoutan entire race of people. Although Elie217;s family was financially stable, their ownership of the family store madethem more visible to the Nazi's, and therefore put them in great danger.Elie pleaded with his father to sell the family business and liquidate it sothey could move far off to a place where Hitler could not get to them. Hefeared that the Fascist party was coming to wipe out the town of Sighet andthat his family would lose everything that they dreamed of and worked for.Hisfather insisted that...

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