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roman republic

Rome was not always the great empire that people believe it was. In the beginning it was a kingdom, then it turned into a republic. Republic itself is translated means “ the public thing”. Rome was built on the seven hills of Palatine, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, Caelian, Aventine, and Capitolline on the left side of the river. In the Republic the patrician class controlled the government but over time the plebians (common people) began to take control.The executive branch Roman government was led by the rules of the Cursus Honorum. These were the rules that controlled when a person would move to a higher office. You were required to wait ten years before serving a second consecutive term. To advance to a higher office you had to serve five years in your present office. To become consul one would have to hold the offices of Quaestor, Aedile, and Praetor. The above offices were held by at least two men. Members of higher offices could veto the actions of lower members of the magistrates.The consuls were the most powerful members of the Roman Republican government. The consuls had imperium power, this meant that they had power over life and death. The consuls had control of the army and the armies his allies. One consul member could veto the action of his partner if he felt necessary. The consuls controlled senate could also call them to session at anytime, which they did infrequently. The Praetor were the magistrates who were presided over the judicial subjects. They controlled law and foreign people in Roman provinces. When a Praetor’s term was up he could be given command of the military or become the Praetor of a Roman territory. An Aedile is the equivalent to a modern day mayor. They controlled the city utilities. They also were responsible for the moral of the population that they controlled. If the moral was low they were required to have a festival of some sort to ke...

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