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race relations

The 1930's was a time of change for the blacks of the United States of America. However, this change was not all for the better. The main change for blacks during this period was that many of them migrated to the North, which in turn, caused many other situations, which includedthe election of President Roosevelt. This was a positive, as was the improvement from the de jure segregation, when laws allow segregation, of the South to the less harsh segregation of the North. The blacks made advancements during this time, yet there were still many moreto make.Before and during some of the thirties, America was a completely segregated society, which was supported by both the law and the police who enforced it. Everything was segregated, including the bathrooms, cemeteries, colleges, restaurants and even elevators, which again was allowed by the courts, following the motto "separate but equal"(Civil Rights and Civil Liberties 5). This was all de jure segregation, yet there was also de facto segregation, when segregation occurs because of social code, political acts, economic circumstances or public policy, which still occurs today somewhat. The blacks would also try to vote those into office who would not support these segregation laws. However, most were deterred from this by the Ku Klux Klan, who would use fear and violence tactics to convince the blacks not to vote. The extreme violence of lynch mobs can also never be forgotten These groups usually murdered those blacks who had committed some crime, yet, they alsokilled those who had committed some social violation. These were painful deaths, using either the hanging or burning method. These atrocities to the black society lead to the "great migration," (Segregation in the United States 5-9).The great migration occurred over a period of many years, including the 1930's. This was a time in which numerous amounts of blacks moved from the Southern states, to the Northern and Western states i...

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