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origins of the pacific

The Pacific is a place of mystery and savagery, and yet is know to many as paradise. The Pacific is ten thousand miles wide and holds twenty-three percentage of the world’s languages. What makes the Pacific so intriguing? The people and their culture have mystified so many people, and yet their history was never written down, instead it was orally pasted down from generation to generation. Thoughts on the natives’ origin, migration, and survival have puzzled other nations due to their lacking of western technology, for example the compass. So the question is: Where did they come from? and How did they get there? In this essay, we will examine these questions and try to seek out the answers.In the search for these answers we mush first take a guess on how they arrived on these islands. Jacob Roggeveen thought that the Spaniards might have brought them to the islands, but they lacked any Spanish influence. Then he thought perhaps the “islanders might be direct descendants of Adam and Eve, who had bred there naturally from generation to generation, but finally decided that the ability of human understanding is powerless to comprehend how these people ever reached the island.Another view was by Andrew Sharp, his hypothesis states “the islands of Polynesia had been settled accidentally by hapless canoe voyages driven randomly across the sea by stormy westerly winds. Wherever one of these lost canoes, or others containing people forced to flee their home islands because of war, famine or overpopulation, were randomly pushed by wind current onto the shore of an uninhabited island, a new Polynesian colony would result.” These guesses were good yet they lacked strong evidence. So the search continues and at the same time more questions arise to prove or disprove the hypothesizes. Questions pertaining to migration, and if they did migrated, from where did they travel and, how did they find the islands?If one migra...

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