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living hell

The Living Hell One of the worst moments in the history of our world is when Adolf Hitler came to power. His terrifying reign in Germany during and shortly after the second world war brought on nothing else but misery, grief, and a community which had now been greatly reduced. Hitler was known for his passionate dislike of Jewish people, (anti-Semitism). In vicious, inhumane ways, Hitler proceeded to torture, experiment on, and exterminate Jews. It was not only Jews however which Hitler wanted to eliminate; he also pursued gypsies and homosexuals. This tyrant used “living space” and the desire for a “good” nation of pure Germans as an excuse to satisfy his cruel beliefs and issues with these people. Throughout the course of the war, Hitler sent Jews to concentration camps. These camps where either labour camps, or death camps. Jews received “special” treatment, and where acknowledged as different from the rest of the society. But Hitler had no mercy; he had it established that the Jews would all be annihilated. Concentration camps were places where the Jews or enemies of Nazism were sent.. After having been separated and forced to live in ghettos, they were sent off, on long train journeys, without knowing their destination, nor for how long they would be in these trains. People were known to get hysterical, scream that they were going to die, or die inside these trains. The trains were composed of tiny wagons, and each wagon was overloaded with people. There was no place to breath, let alone sit down. They had been told that they were going to be “resettled” in another ghetto, but little did they know what Hitler meant by “resettlement”. There was occasionally a little air hole or window through which the night sky could be observed. The train rides were an...

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